Gurukul Fellowship
In addition to above fellowships, the ICHR in 2016 initiated new fellowship titled Gurukul Fellowship.
This fellowship is consisted of two components:
Guru- An eminent and renowned senior scholar in Indian history and culture with an outstanding experience of excellence in the subject would be called Guru. He should preferably be 70 years of age or above.
Disciple-A meritorious young scholar who will be named as ‘disciple’ of the Guru in (a) above, must have obtained Ph.D. or equivalent from a recognized University or has published work of equivalent merit to his credit.
The amount of Fellowship shall be:
The Guru would be entitled to an honorarium of Rs. 60,500/- (Rupees Sixty Thousand Five Hundred Only)per month (at par with ICHR-National Fellowship) along with a contingency grant not exceeding Rs. 66,000/-(Rupees Sixty Six Thousand Only) per annum (at par with ICHR-National Fellowship).
The Disciple would be awarded Fellowship of Rs. 30,000/-(Rupees Thirty Thousand Only) per month equivalent to the ICHR’s Post Doctoral Fellowship, and a contingency grant not exceeding Rs. 22,000/- (Rupees Twenty Two Thousand Only) per annum.
The term of Fellowship shall not exceed two years.
The fellowship shall be a whole-time engagement for research work.
Mode of Selection: The Guru shall be selected by a Search-cum-Selection Committee constituted by the Chairman, ICHR and the final selection of the incumbent shall be approved by the RPC. The Guru would suggest to the ICHR a panel of three young scholars who fully meet with the educational and experience requirements. The RPC will select one of them purely on merits as disciple for the award of the said fellowship.
The Guru and Disciple shall devote their full time to research for which the Fellowship is awarded. Both shall prepare a publishable research report in the form of either a monograph or a set of research papers on which the ICHR shall have the first right to publish in its Journal or any of its publications.
Upon award of the Fellowship to the Guru/Disciple under clause 2, the award shall remain valid for a period not exceeding three months from the date of its award and shall lapse if the awardee fails to join within this period. The Chairman is authorized to revalidate the fellowship beyond this period in exceptional cases. In case of no response from the incumbent, award of Fellowship shall be deemed to have lapsed.
The number of these Fellowships will not exceed two in a year and shall not be more than four at any point of time.
The continuance of the grant of Fellowship to the disciple shall be contingent upon his/her good conduct and shall stand terminated if any adverse report is received from the Guru.
In case of any dispute arising between the Guru and the disciple due to interpretation of any clause of these rules, the matter shall be reported to the Chairman, ICHR whose decision would be final and binding.
The continuance of fellowship awarded to the Guru shall co-exist with that of his disciple and a final decision in this regard would be taken by the RPC on the merits of each case.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the preceding clauses, the RPC shall be fully authorized to modify any of the above said terms and conditions to the extent it is considered necessary in the best interest of carrying out of the Gurukul Fellowship effectively and efficiently.